Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kid Crafts

I love to craft but unfortunately my kids aren't always so obliging to my project needs.  They always want to "help" which isn't always so useful.  I try to find things they can do that will give them an activity to do- like sort paper by color or pattern, cut scrap paper (which is a very good pre-writing activity), or have them use scraps and old stamps to make their own artwork.  The key is to let them express their creativity- because let's face it, that's exactly what YOU love to do too!

I thought this activity was such a great idea!  This was at my son's preschool activity night.

We made the kids into "pizza" by rolling the dough (the kids) around then topped them with shredded paper "cheese", checkers "pepperoni", and a squirt of water "oil".  Yes this would be incredibly messy (nothing a little vacuum can't fix)- but incredibly fun!  You could use old scraps of paper and let the kids make different toppings to top each other with. And with your old scraps being used you can make way for new paper :)  

Sometimes I feel a little guilty when my projects get in the way of having fun with my kids and doing crafts with them allows me to get my creative juices flowing and allows me to spend some time with them doing something they're always dying to do anyway.  And then as a bonus you get awesome mom points for doing a fun activity with them.   

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